Renaissance Voices, and Sacramento Baroque. Lilly has been a soloist with the Albany Consort, American Bach Soloists, AVE, Bay Choral Guild, Berkeley Community Chorus, Berkeley Early Music Festival, California Bach Society, Cappella SF, Chora Nova, Contra Costa Chorale, Folger Consort, Les Graces, Magnificat, Musicsources, MUSA, New Music Works in Santa Cruz, San Francisco Bach Choir, S.F. Lilly has been featured on live broadcasts on New York’s WNYC, WNCN, National Public Radio, and Radio-Canada. and abroad, including performances at N.Y.’s Alice Tully Hall, Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters. As the soprano soloist of the Waverly Consort, she toured throughout the U.S. Lilly is a native New Yorker who has appeared as a featured soloist with the American Boychoir, American Classical Orchestra, American Symphony Orchestra, Artek, Bachworks, Bach Aria Group, Clarion Music Society, Concert Royal, Rebel, Trinity Church Concerts Series, and the New York Consort of Viols, among others. Classical Voice for “having a pure, silvery voice with plenty of color.” Ms. She has been lauded by The New York Times for “possessing a voice of strength, clarity, and virtuosity” and by the S.F.

Rita Lilly is familiar to audiences in oratorio, recital, and opera, but most notably for her performances of baroque and early music.